Yi Yang

Associate and Landscape Architect Yi Yang brings 7 years of experience with a variety of project types ranging from residential spaces to commercial, institutional, and public parks. She honed a wide array of skillsets from her work across different phases of projects, including solving design challenges, developing construction documentation, project management, and interdisciplinary design team coordination. Her recent work at Starr Whitehouse includes the rehabilitation of Belt Parkway, concept design for the Recreation Area at Tallman Mountain State Park, and overall landscape design for the redevelopment of the Green Point Hospital Complex. She has also been supporting the construction documents for the expansion and improvements of Bear Mountain State Park. Yi received her master’s in landscape architecture from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She is a registered Landscape Architect in New York State.
Representative Projects:
Park Design
Bear Mountain State Park Restoration, Bear Mountain, NY
Tallman Mountain State Park, Sparkill, NY
Queens Plaza Park, Queens, NY
Marsha P Johnson State Park, Brooklyn, NY
Freshkills South Park Master Plan and Phase 1, Staten Island, NY
TOS Riverside Park – Conceptual Park Design, Southampton, NY*
Streets, Public Realm, and Infrastructure
Belt Parkway Rehabilitation, New York, NY
Site Plans + Housing
Packer Garden House Expansion, Brooklyn, NY
Atlantic Chestnut Affordable Housing, Brooklyn, NY
Greenpoint Hospital Redevelopment, Brooklyn, NY
Hampton Boathouses – Townhouse Development, Southampton, NY*
Canoe Place Inn – Restoration of the historical Canoe Place Inn, Southampton,
* Work completed prior to joining Starr Whitehouse